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The researchers ensured that this project was carried out with correct ethical procedures from start to finish. Our app fits the criteria for an ethics B form due to the ethical concerns regarding the topic of ADHD, the vulnerable population who are under the age of 18 and people with mental disabilities. The researchers sought ethical approval from the Department of Technology and Psychology Ethics Committee (DTPEC) through an ethics B form. Once this form was submitted and processed the project was granted ethical approval.


Child's Play is an app designed for young children, aged 6-9 years, with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). As ADHD is regarded as a disability, and as the app has been developed for children under the age of eighteen, our target audience is considered to be of the vulnerable population. The researchers require parental consent is given to the child wishing to sign up for use of the app. The researchers conducted field research and gathered knowledge using a professional regarding the subject of ADHD.


The researchers conducted user testing. Individuals that were involved in the user testing were above the age of 18. The individuals recruited for testing were not individuals with ADHD. The researchers ensured all information regarding this project was included on an information brief containing information about ADHD, the aims of the research project, what participation involved and consent form all participants must sign. Once the individuals completed the user testing process they were then fully debriefed and told they could withdraw their user testing video/written feedback from the project at any time before April 2nd, 2018.

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