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Can an app help children with ADHD?


ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a medical/neurobiological condition in which the brain’s neurotransmitter chemicals, noradrenalin and dopamine do not work properly.

ADHD has also been said to come from a dysfunction towards inhibitory processes like anxiety or fear and this is also the most common diagnosis in children, (Nigg, 2001). This suggests that children who have been diagnosed with ADHD may struggle paying attention, especially in a school setting or sitting down quietly without disturbing the class which can then, also lead friendships to suffer.


 ''Children with ADHD make more errors, therefore decreasing their self-esteem levels.'' - Durston et al. (2003)''


Children with ADHD seem to have less knowledge about how to behave socially compared to typical developing children, King et al. (2009) and that can affect their peer relationships leading to feeling alone or not liked by others. This scenario can be seen in the school environment when children with ADHD distract others or don't play accordingly. 

That is why we developed this fun, bright, colourful and interactive app directed at children and parents to help children with ADHD get organised in their daily routine and hopefully feel like they achieved something without being distracted easily.




Created by:

Jasmine Kennedy - N00150456


Orla Gray - N00153847


Luiza Bandeira - N00151962


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