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Our aim was to provide the help that children with ADHD need when it comes to learning social skills and lead them to a better and comfortable lifestyle. There are different kinds of treatments for ADHD like clinical guidance but the most common treatment are drugs which have side effects. Some of these side effects include headaches, insomnia, dizziness and poor appetite, Graham et al. (2011). This could also impact on the child’s well-being, mentally and physically and they then could become very frustrated.


To help children with ADHD at school, teachers could guide them by setting up study groups after class and give their attention to an individual student. This would involve a teacher for each student sitting on different desks in a classroom focusing on their weakest subjects and helping to build their confidence and this could then help children to visualise school as a positive environment. Our app is just another source of interaction for children, in the school environment but with the help of technology. This will help not only teachers, but also parents to follow the child’s progress without/with the need of the treatments in place as well.


Some strengths of this study were that:


1. Users are greatly informed about the game before signing up. This strategy operates to grant users with      

    information about the app and with that, they can make their decision to participate or not.


2. Professionals working with kids with ADHD were interviewed and suggested what best ways to help them. More knowledge was gained on ADHD by interviews before making this app.


3. We followed all approved design guidelines for children with ADHD in the making of this app.


4. Ethical approval was taken from the DTPEC before publishing the app.


Some limitations of this study were that:


1. Due to ethical guidelines, we cannot user test our target group as they are children with ADHD from the age range of 6-9 years old making them a vulnerable population.


2. We are not qualified app designers resulting in our app not being 100% pristine.


3. Every child interacts differently socially and with technology and not all children may enjoy this app.


4. Some parents might not approve of the activities the app offer to the children.


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